EI services are designed to meet an infant’s or toddler’s needs if they are experiencing issues related to 5 specific areas of development. These are:
Physical (how your baby moves and explores)
Cognitive (how your baby learns)
Communication (how your baby lets you know what he/she needs)
Social-Emotional (how your baby engages with you and shows feelings)
Adaptive (how your baby uses new skills)
A child may be determined eligible in a variety of ways:
If a child presents a 30% delay or greater that impacts one of the 5 main domains of development (listed above) as confirmed by a multidisciplinary team.
Certain medical diagnoses make a child automatically eligible for EI. The list of diagnoses can be found by clicking here.
At risk. Click here for a description of the At Risk eligibility criteria.
The Principles of EI in Illinois can be seen by clicking here. These principles were written in conjunction with federal law that mandates developmental screenings and evaluations are arranged for children under 36 months. A chart indicating some general developmental milestones for children under 36 months can be seen by clicking here.
Another important feature to the EI program is the focus on providing services in natural environments. This refers to home and community settings in which children without disabilities would participate. The law governing EI services mandates that services be provided in natural environments. The principles behind services in natural environments can be seen by clicking here.
Sixteen different services are available, as needed, to families of eligible children in the state of Illinois. Some of these services include:
Assistive technology and devices
Developmental therapy
Family training, counseling, and home visits
Health consultation
Medical services (diagnostic/evaluation purposes only)